Sunday, November 16, 2008

Tenuous Oath?

At one point I was skeptical about whether or not all of the women would keep to their promise. For one,the women were extremely reluctant to partake in Lysistrata's plan in the first place, and made it apparent that sex meant a great deal to them. Kleonike states: "Try something else. Try anything. If you say so, I'm willing to walk through fire barefoot. But not to give up SEX-there's nothing like it, Lysistrata!" (26). It is obvious that the women treasure sex, not only the men. Also, I felt that the way the oath was sworn was doubtful as it was altered at the last minute from a shield to a recommendation of wine, which I felt made the oath more tenuous.


Montrell said...

Treasure, the people in this play more like worship sex. LOL. But I was all against the women and how long they could stay true to their oath. In that same scene, women were saying how they couldn't make or attend this boycott and then said "On with the war." Its actually kinda sad that they initially would sacrifice their body and allow the men to go into battle with the chance of dieing.

Jelly Mae said...

Well we do know the women had a hard time with the abstinence because of them trying to escape to their husbands. Like the one woman who lied about being pregnant. "you weren't pregnant yesterday" (pg 71).
ahh that's just good stuff!

Ryu Tsume said...

what was really interesting was that time when Kleonike has to get her husband all spruced up for nothing. She is so close to falling into his arms at the end. Also, I love that scene when Lysistrata is yelling at the "pregnant" woman. It is hilarious tat she even tries to get out using the same excuse when Lysistrata sees the bronze helmet instead of a bulging stomach.

Tonlerbone said...

I thought the opposite about the oath being switched from the shield to the wine. I felt that the women were skeptical that the shield was the approriate object, and therefore made the oath more meaningful by swearing on the wine.

Rose said...

i think people forget that the women do actually want sex as well, and it is probably just as hard on the women as it is on the men. which makes the actual sacrifice seem so much larger.