Saturday, November 15, 2008

The Boycott

I saw the play "The Boycott" and personally, I would have to say that I am somewhat disappointed. I appreciate what Kathryn Blume is attempting, and her desire "to find a bright flame of hope for herself, for her audience, and for the future of the world" however the play itself wasn't exactly what I had expected. The creativity of the play was great, and it was obvious that Blume put a lot of time and effort into making it just right, however I felt that it was almost too much. For one, the comparison between Lysistrata and her current performance was extremely faint and I would've preferred a more noticeable resemblance. Also I feel that she had a lot of substance to the play much of which, although it was humorous, was unnecessary and digressed from the main purpose of the play. Frequently during the play I was confused because it was difficult for me to distinguish between some of the accents. On the other hand, I found particular points of her performance humorous. For example, the scene including Ghandhi and the scene where she made an allusion to "Lord of the Rings". Overall, I do not regret going because I feel it contributed to a good purpose.

1 comment:

Kathryn said...


Thanks for coming to the show!

I should, perhaps, clarify, that "The Boycott" was never meant to be a direct parallel of "Lysistrata." It didn't follow the original play exactly because that wasn't the point.

"Lysistrata" was the inspiration - a point of departure - to explore the larger issues of how to address a hugely challenging situation in as creative a way as possible.

But thanks for your interesting comments.

All the best,

Kathryn Blume