Sunday, November 16, 2008

Applying Lysistrata to Modern Affairs

Lysistrata was obviously accomplished in the pursuit of her ultimate goal of peace through abstinence. When applied to the current war in Iraq however, I do not believe the plan would have been successful. The war in Iraq covers a broad spectrum of men from various parts of the country. Whereas in Lysistrata, the Peloponnesian War is situated in Greece and the men at war are much fewer. Lysistrata is the dominant woman in control and does a superb job at leading the women. However, in our time, it would be difficult to control so many women many of which would most likely be unwilling to participate. Also, in today's war, it would be easy for a man to obtain sex from another source. The entire idea I believe would only serve to promote violence and more of a class between men and women rather than bring about any sort of peace whatsoever.

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